Research teams’ project descriptions:
• Climate Change : Migration, climate change and the environment are interrelated. The scale of global migration flows, both internal and cross-border, is expected to rise due to the effects of an accelerated climate change, and unprecedented impacts on lives and livelihoods. Migration is often perceived as a chronic stress for cities, but how about considering those growing flows as potential opportunities for human development, translating an adaptation strategy to climate and environmental change. This year, HDRI wants to address climate migration as an essential component of the renewed socio-environmental interactions of the 21st century.
• Education : Since the PISA raw data is now available to the public, the proposed idea of the Education team would be to study the relation between in-class practices and student achievement. Following a study in Colombia revising this subject, the idea is to construct a database that joins students and their characteristics with that of the school, the city, their teachers and directives and the actual in-class practices they get to have on a day to day basis. After this, the analysis would use multivariate regression analysis, with variance decomposition methodologies to determine the relation between this two variables.
• Social Wellbeing : This will consist of a comparative analysis of 4 countries, reflecting upon the existing discrepancy between economic situations and social wellbeing (e.g. inhabitants’ perception, happiness, etc.). This will be achieved through the use of the OECD’s Better Life index.
Please fill and submit the application by the end of the day on JULY 17TH.